Easy Glow
Template for Startups
Why Should I Use This Template?
A beautiful yet effective template for your project. This Landing Page Template is designed to be practical and easy to use, featuring a clean design and animations that are simple to implement.
This template is built with the latest tech stack, offering a sleek, modern design that's easy to use and configure. Here's why this template is perfect for you:- Save 100+ hours of work
- No need to learn advanced animations
- Easy to configure and change
- One-click download and setup
- 5 minutes to update the text and images
- Deploy live to Vercel
Tech Stack
Framer Motionv11.3
Magic UILatest
Shadcn UILatest
All Features
Header Section
Hero Section
Social Proof Section
Pricing Section
Call To Action Section
Footer Section
Mobile Responsive Navbar
Quick Setup
- One-Click Download and Setup: Get started instantly with our easy setup process.
- 5 Minutes to Update: Quickly update text and images to match your brand.
- Deploy to Vercel: Easily deploy your site live with Vercel's seamless integration.